Mercy Spokane

A church planting project of the EPC in Spokane, WA

No Worship Services on 7/21 or 7/28.
We will resume on 8/4 @ 9:30

Mission and vision

Our mission is to bear witness to Jesus's life-changing mercy and grace in North Spokane, particularly to the communities surrounding Whitworth University and the students who attend.We envision a church where the skeptical, curious, and committed find Jesus Christ and, with him, the freedom to struggle and the encouragement to make a difference.
Moreover, we envision scores of students and long-time residents of North Spokane being converted, discipled, and sent into the world as pastors, church planters, and, maybe most importantly, faithful church members.


RECONCILIATION: You can come home.
Because of our sins and brokenness, we are alienated from God by nature and choice. The good news of the gospel is that Jesus has come. He lived the life we should have lived, died the death we should have died, and, after rising from the dead, he sat at the right hand of God the Father, where he constantly reminds the Father that we are reconciled.
RESTORATION: You are free to struggle.
Jesus saves us from our sins and has sent his Spirit to grow us more and more into his likeness. He is also committed to our restoration into who he created us to be. That means that our trauma can be redeemed, and our shame can be transformed into a testimony of God’s grace.
TRANSFORMATION: You can make a difference.
Because we are reconciled to God and others and are being restored to what God intends us to be, we are also called to be agents of transformation in the lives of others, in our communities, our workplaces, and our city. Through our work and witness, the city of Spokane can and will begin to look more and more like the City of God.

Rev. Tommy Allen

Tommy and Judy Allen—called to plant a church in the Northwest part of Spokane, near Whitworth University.

Tommy became a Christian in his senior year of High School through the ministry of YoungLife, after which he spent four years in the Army as an Airborne Ranger. In 1996, after graduating from seminary and serving as an Assistant Pastor in Atlanta, Judy and he accepted a call to plant a church in Seattle’s Capital Hill neighborhood. After five years, he did a brief stint as a neuroscience sales rep before becoming a pastor again at New Hope Presbyterian Church in Kent, WA, where he served for 17 years.Over the past two decades, Tommy has trained and coached scores of church planters around the US. Among other things, he has written articles for TableTalk Magazine and has been featured in Christianity Today and Preaching Today magazines.His current “call” is from the elders of New Hope Presbyterian Church/Presbytery of the Pacific Northwest to be a Church Planter/Evangelist in Spokane, WA.


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